Signs in the Skies


As this website and my book reveal, 9/11, the moment the Second Coming of Jesus Christ was made manifest, was prophesied throughout the NIV Bible and beyond, influencing historical events, western culture, including popular culture, and even the movements of the spheres, all of which appear to have been encoded with significant numbers in the same alphanumeric language I used to decode the NIV Bible.

This page is the first of a new suite that will focus on a mystery that has long exercised the minds and imaginations of mankind: human encounters with UFOs (unidentified flying objects), also known as UAEs (unidentified aerial phenomena), and with their occupants.

Even some official sources now admit UFOs are real and their origin unknown, but the UFO community, which has done an admirable job of keeping the phenomenon in the public eye, generally maintains a blinkered view, seeing it as a physical, 'nuts and bolts' affair. However, this page makes clear that it is much more than that, expanding our understanding of the Second Coming.

I have a personal interest in this subject and have known for twenty years that it is connected with the Second Coming, but always regarded it as either personal confirmations (of which I received many) or at most peripheral to the main event. However, as I accumulated information I eventually saw that whatever UFOs actually are, they are ultimately under God's control and have been used to give mankind some spectacular confirmations of the reality of the Second Coming.

I begin with a group of related encounters in a far-off land.


UFOs in Chile

Chile reputedly has the highest frequency of sightings in the world. I focus here on three major sightings, two of them in Santiago (which means Saint James), the other in Chiguayante, a city slightly to the south. [1]

1. On 17/8/85 a disc-shaped UFO was seen in the sky above Santiago in Chile. It lasted for almost an hour and was filmed live on TV.

2. On 8/12/12 five UFOs were seen dancing above the city of Chiguayante, making geometric patterns in the sky.

3. On 22/12/15 eight orbs were seen flying in an oval formation in the sky over Santiago again.

These dates encode the most incredible numbers. 


This was 5615 days before the end of the 2nd Millennium, the primary reference date for second coming-related events.

5615 = 1123 x 5. 1123 has a geometric expression and features in the Lily Pad. as a fusion of two figures representing 'Jesus Christ' and 'Jesus the Messiah'. It also has these identities.

The Sovereign Lord (s) ...............= 1123

The Lion of the tribe of Judah (s) = 1123


This was 9975 days after 17/8/85, which is 475 x 21 and 525 x 19.

Immanuel (s) .............= 475

Second Appearing (s) = 525


This was1109 days after 8/12/12. 

Lord Jesus Christ (s) = 1109

It was also 11084 days after 17/8/85, which is 326 x 34.

The Second Coming of Jesus Christ (o) = 326

Judge (s) ................................................= 326

Immanuel (r).............................................= 34

incredibly, all three dates are also linked to my own birthdate, 8/8/59.


1. This was 15121 days before the end of the 2nd Millennium and encodes the essential message of the Second Coming:

Jesus Christ (o) ......= 151

Second Coming (o) = 121

2. 8/8/59 was 9506 days before 17/8/85. 9506 = 679 x 14 [2]

Christ's Coming (s) = 679

3. 8/8/59 was 19481 days before 8/12/12. 19481  = 121 x 161 = 77 x 253 [3]

Second Coming (o) = 121

Christ (o) ...............= 77

4. 8/8/59 was 20590 days before 22/12/15. 20590 = 71 x 290 = 142 = 145 [4]

God (o) ............= 71

b'goli/my word = 142

Chile itself is a long, straight country resembling a vav, especially when inverted - and if modern civilisation had emerged in the southern hemisphere first, this is how it would appear on maps.



This is the number of man, associated with the Crucifixion (the three men and the three nails in Jesus symbolised 666). It is also associated with Jesus, who was 'numbered with the transgressors'. As the first vav in the Bible, which begins word six, indicates, Jesus thusly marked is the mediator between God and man.

Genesis 1.1 Word 6

So Chile, with its large number of UFO sightings, is playing the symbolic role of Christ, as mediator between the heavens (UFOs) and the earth. It also confirms that Christ's Second Coming has manifested.

This is confirmed by another extraordinary link between these sightings and the two primary manifestations of the Second Coming: 9/11 and the funeral of Pope John Paul II.


9/11 and the Funeral of Pope John Paul II

9/11 was 254 days into the 3rd Millennium and the funeral, on 8/5/05, was 1559 days into the 3rd Millennium. These events are stamped with the seal of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our Lord Jesus Christ (o) = 254

Our Lord Jesus Christ (s) = 1559

They are linked to the last of the three Chilean UFO sightings, the oval ring of eight orbs seen over Santiago on 22/12/15, in the following way.

There are 5215 days from 9/11 to 22/12/15. This is 149 x 35. [5]

Rhema/Word (s) = 149

There are 3910 days from 8/5/05 to 22/12/15. This is 391 x 10.

Yehoshua/Jesus (s) = 391

Second Coming (s) = 391

The oval ring of eight orbs over Santiago could represent the vesica in the Vesica Piscis, which as I show here, points to the Glory of God between the atonement cover of the ark, also featuring the number 391 in its geometry. All of these numbers again point to Jesus Christ and his return. 


New York is 40 degrees 70 minutes north.

Santiago is 33 degrees 26 minutes south.

Chiguayante is 36 degrees 55 minutes south.

This means that there are almost exactly 74 degrees of latitude between NY and Santiago, and 77 degrees between NY and Chiguayante.

Jesus (o) = 74

Christ (o) = 77

The next page focuses on an encounter much closer to home for this writer: the Dechmont UFO encounter.

 Bill Downie 7/9/24



1. Ancient Aliens, Season 15, episode 3 Destination Chile. The name 'Chile' is of uncertain derivation.

2. 679 is a starred tetrahedron, which projects star 121 and is encoded within the Hebrew Genesis 1.1, by alternately adding and subtracting the word values. So 913 - 203 + 86 - 401 + 395 - 407 + 296 = 679.

3. 253 is the triangle from which snowflake 373 (= Logos (s)) Is created by the iterative process leading to the Koch snowflake.

4. 142 is the anti snowflake of snowflake 373 (see above). There are other identities in the factors, but these are the most relevant.

5. Both of these numbers are encoded in my own name. William Downie (o) = 149. Bill (o) = 35. My entire life has been marked in the same way, as was the life and death of my erstwhile partner in this work, Kathy LeCorre.